School of Photography Presentations, Workshops and Demonstrations.

The School of Photography offer the following courses for camera clubs and groups**

Presentations - $ 150.00*

Camera Basics

Intro to Photography

Advanced Photography (Zone System and Trick Photography)

What's New to Photography

Birds of Prey 

Painting and Drawing with light

Photographers Rights, Copyrights, Ethics, Etiquette and all the Legal Stuff.

Digital Printing

Freeze Frame

Workshops - $ 200.00*

Photoshop 101

Photoshop 201

Photoshop 301

Photoshop 401

Freeze Frame

Playing with Lights and Fire

Demonstrations - $ 200.00*

Wireless Flash Photography

Macro vs Micro Photography

Green Screen

For more information and to book a Presentation, Workshops or Demonstrations.

Please contact us at:

* Travel expensive will apply to courses taught outside of the GTA

** Group size shall be no larget than 60 people for presentations

** Group size shall be no larger than 20 people for workshops and Demonstrations

For larger group, please contact for pricing.